Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My first post

Writing self-introduction is always a hard task for me because i can't really find an adjective that can describe me well. To be honest, i actually googled adjectives to describe a person but found nothing that can portray me. Besides, the last time i wrote an essay with proper english was about 6 or 7 months ago, so its quite hard for me to start writing again after this long honeymoon period. 

"Miss Jasline, can i skip this part?"
"Okay...... I'll try......"

So......My name is Chong Pik Wei, but you can call me Alicia(100 times easier to remember right?) I like to eat, read and sleep, sometimes i'll help my mum to cook too. My favourite subject is Maths, I like problem solving instead of  facts memorizing. If you have any interest in common with me, you are most welcome to be my friend. :)

*Please forgive my grammar mistakes!!


  1. Dearest Alicia,

    It was fun reading your short and sweet introduction ^^ I am so sure we share the same common interest as listed above ^^ hehehe.

    See you in class ^^

    Ms Jasline ^^

  2. Hi. I'm your blog buddy. I haven't really said hi to you before although we're in the same group. But nice to meet you anyway. =)

  3. hi brenda!nice to meet u too :)
    can u give me ur blog's link cuz i cant find it :(
