Sunday, July 29, 2012

18 years after my mum gave birth to me

27/7/12, Shermaine, YY and I went to Aeon to get our maths quiz done but we ended up chit-chating and self-capturing XD

Took these with my laptop camera, cant stop laughing OMG!! Hahahaha!

Oh yeah, this was our 1st Starbucks together, spent RM16 for a cup of coffee and skipped our lunch :P

A picture of us with some rainbow effect.

More pictures..Lalalala.

They bought me a drinking bottle and  pencil case for my birthday present! Definitely what i need and what i was going to buy! You two understand me so much! :)) Hehe thanks ya^^

After that Shermaine joined her friends for dinner and YY went home, I followed Wen to Starbucks again! Buy 1 free 1 promotion! I got the free 1 from Wen :P

Starbucks twice a day :))

Then that night, about 11.50pm, Wen called me, saying that she and Laopo had something for me O.o

So i waited for her, about 12am she arrived, with a bunch of my CRAZY friends (Laopo, Ah Niang, Ling, Nee, Rong) together with her and she was carrying a cake!

All of them sang me the Happy Birthday song!

A very big surprise indeed!!:D

Darren and King came too! Lalala :D

Darren's pose---like a boss (the black shirt guy)

Thank you friends!! Muack! BFF!

Fahmi, thanks for the birthday song ya!
Although Fahmi is in matriculation now, we always chat through hp :) He even phoned me to sing me a birthday song! So sweet! :) BFF forever ya :DD

Thanks for your birthday song too Wu Bang :)) Cant wait to have the chocolate XD

Thanks for the lovely card you made for me Siew Fong! :D

Thanks for the 400 birthday wishes on FB too :DD

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


This is one of my favourite quotes! Although i have no idea who Dr.Seuss is....

Sometimes we get upset because we cant change the facts that something is over. But life goes on and time is flying without waiting for us. So smile and continue your journey to success!

(A picture of Dr.Seuss)

Some other quotes from him:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

 “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”(it happens all the time in maths)

  “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.”

With love,