Sunday, July 29, 2012

18 years after my mum gave birth to me

27/7/12, Shermaine, YY and I went to Aeon to get our maths quiz done but we ended up chit-chating and self-capturing XD

Took these with my laptop camera, cant stop laughing OMG!! Hahahaha!

Oh yeah, this was our 1st Starbucks together, spent RM16 for a cup of coffee and skipped our lunch :P

A picture of us with some rainbow effect.

More pictures..Lalalala.

They bought me a drinking bottle and  pencil case for my birthday present! Definitely what i need and what i was going to buy! You two understand me so much! :)) Hehe thanks ya^^

After that Shermaine joined her friends for dinner and YY went home, I followed Wen to Starbucks again! Buy 1 free 1 promotion! I got the free 1 from Wen :P

Starbucks twice a day :))

Then that night, about 11.50pm, Wen called me, saying that she and Laopo had something for me O.o

So i waited for her, about 12am she arrived, with a bunch of my CRAZY friends (Laopo, Ah Niang, Ling, Nee, Rong) together with her and she was carrying a cake!

All of them sang me the Happy Birthday song!

A very big surprise indeed!!:D

Darren and King came too! Lalala :D

Darren's pose---like a boss (the black shirt guy)

Thank you friends!! Muack! BFF!

Fahmi, thanks for the birthday song ya!
Although Fahmi is in matriculation now, we always chat through hp :) He even phoned me to sing me a birthday song! So sweet! :) BFF forever ya :DD

Thanks for your birthday song too Wu Bang :)) Cant wait to have the chocolate XD

Thanks for the lovely card you made for me Siew Fong! :D

Thanks for the 400 birthday wishes on FB too :DD

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